Call For Bids

30/09/2019 | Call For Bids
Les projets d’appels d’offres suivants ont été archivés. Pour tout renseignement relatif à ces projets, veuillez nous contacter à l’adresse APPEL D’OFFRES ANNONCE RÉSULTATS DE L’APPEL DATE D’ENTRÉE EN VIGUEUR NUMÉRO DES PERMIS D’EXPLORATION
14/05/2019 | Call For Bids
Communiqué Pour publication immédiate 14 mai 2019 Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse), Canada – L’appel d’offres no NS18-3 lancé par l’Office Canada–Nouvelle-Écosse des hydrocarbures extracôtiers (OCNEHE) n’a donné lieu à aucune soumission. Les parcelles relevant de l’appel d’offres no NS18-3 ne sont plus offertes aux fins de soumissions et resteront la propriété de l’État.
07/11/2008 | Call For Bids
(Halifax, NS) –The Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board today announced the results of the industry nominated Call for Bids NS08-1 for two new offshore Exploration Licences. The Board has accepted the following winning bids: Call for Bids NS08-1 Successful Bidders Work Expenditure Bid
25/06/2008 | Call For Bids
(Halifax, NS) – The Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB) has issued Call for Bids NS08-1. The Call consists of two industry nominated parcels, one in shallow water and one in deeper water. Bids must be received by Thursday, October 30, 2008, 4:00pm Atlantic Time. The public is invited to submit written comments to the Board on the lands included in this Call for Bids. Written submissions must be received by Thursday October 16, 2008, 4:00pm Atlantic Time. Such submissions will be considered by the Board before an Exploration Licence is issued.
06/07/2009 | Call For Bids
(Halifax, NS) The Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board today announced the results of Call for Bids NS08-2 for two new offshore Exploration Licences. The Board has accepted the following winning bids: Call for Bids NS08-2 Successful Bidder Work Expenditure Bid Parcel 1
21/11/2008 | Call For Bids
(Halifax, NS) The Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board has issued Call for Bids NS08-2. The Call consists of two Board nominated deep water parcels located approximately 160 km southwest of Sable Island. Bids must be received by Friday, June 26, 2009, 4:00pm Atlantic Time. Highlights of the two deep water parcels include:
08/07/2010 | Call For Bids
(Halifax, NS) The Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board today announced the results of Call for Bids NS09-1 for two industry-nominated parcels. No bids were received. The Call for Bids featured two parcels which are located within the Sable Subbasin in water depths less than 100m.
30/06/2011 | Call For Bids
The Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB) has issued Call for Bids NS11-1. The Call consists of eight deep water parcels offshore Nova Scotia, some of which were nominated by industry. Bids must be received by Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 4:00 p.m. Atlantic Time. The Board will only accept bids from companies that have experience in the drilling of exploration wells in water depths greater than 800 metres in the past ten years.
30/04/2012 | Call For Bids
(Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) The Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB) has issued Call for Bids NS12-1. This Call consists of eleven offshore parcels, six of which are industry nominated. Nine of the parcels are in deepwater. Bids must be received by Wednesday, November 7, 2012 before 4:00 p.m. Atlantic Time. For the deepwater parcels, the Board will only accept bids from companies that have experience in the drilling of exploration wells in water depths greater than 800 metres in the past ten years.
13/11/2013 | Call For Bids
News Release OFFSHORE BOARD ANNOUNCES RESULTS OF CALL FOR BIDS NS13-1 (Halifax, NS) The Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board today announced the results of Call for Bids NS13-1. No bids were received.
